
How to Verify a Handbag Authenticity

I wrote an article on this a few years back but I wanted to give this followup article. There is always a question as to if a Handbag is authentic or not. Distributors that make fake Handbags are getting even better with there reproductions it is getting harder and harder these days to tell the difference.

That being said, I found a sure fire way to find out if a handbag is authentic or not. Especially if your shopping for the handbag on eBay. Its really very simple. Coach has been recording the serial numbers of there bags for a while now, especially there newer bags. If you find a handbag that you have a question as to if it is authentic or not just take get the serial number and call Coach on there line. You can get the number from. Give that serial number to the customer service agent and he/she will tell you if the handbag is authentic or not. It is that simple. Don't try to take the handbag to a store as the clerks are not equipped to answer such a question.

Secondly, holder handbags are a different story. Yes, Coach has been recording the serial numbers of there handbags for a while but some of the older handbags are just not in this database the customer service representative have access to. In this case you will have to take a step of faith and send the handbag into for them to evaluate it. They will send the purse back with a authenticity letter or a letter stating that the handbag is fake.

So on older handbags how are they able to evaluate the handbag?

Well, it seams that has been sticking with the same fabric for there handbags for years. They are able to evaluate the fabric as well as the stitching techniques to say yea or na to an handbags authentic character. One other tell sign is on older style bags.
2015 classical popular handbag

